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(800) 419-4923
Commercial Building Inspection Reports (a.k.a Equity Property Condition Reports are our specialty. When investing in a major complex commercial real estate asset, trust us to inspect the asset and to identify the immediate repairs and deferred maintenance issues.
The key to a quality Commercial Building Inspection Report is staffing with experience. Our assessors are all highly experienced in building inspections and many are licensed Professional Engineers or Registered Architects. Our property inspection practice is so large that in most national markets we have specialist for each major property type, in other words, we can staff a garden style apartment building and a high rise office building with inspectors specializing in that property type. Again: experience is everything.
Commercial Building Inspection Report Scope of Work
Our Commercial Building Inspections comply with the scope of work specified in ASTM E2018 and includes a comprehensive visual inspection of the building's construction including the following: